“I don’t want to lose my volunteer role—please don’t print my name”

Dear Editor,

Thank you for this analysis of the NT AGM, which reflected the sad state of the NT care of their properties. 

I am a volunteer with the NT and a couple of weeks ago I went on the backstairs tour of Stourhead which is offered in the winter months. This was a comprehensive view of several bedrooms, attics, kitchens and cellars. 

I was really depressed by the poor state of repair and upkeep of much of these areas. There were large damp patches on the walls, leaking roof areas, peeling paint, dirty windows and large collections of jumble around. The rooms were mostly used as store rooms or work rooms. No effort was made to present them as historical records of the lives lived in them. They were generally untidy and unkempt. It would have been so good to have seen some of the rooms presented with original furniture, servant lifestyle and  workspaces and their working implements.  

The volunteer gave a reasonably good, though not historically researched, account of the backstairs life and interaction with the family but it would have been difficult for those listening to imagine it under the circumstances. 

I would be grateful, if you make any reference to this letter in public emails etc that you do not print my name. I enjoy my volunteer work and do not want to lose it. 

Yours faithfully,



Voting rights at the AGM


Can we have our NT working holidays back?